In 2030, nuclear war broke out over the environmental pollution issue Many people lost their lives due to radioactivity The people, who survived the barren Earth, started the &8220;Megaro Earth Project&8221; to save human existence In a last hope for survival against nuclear war, a city was built in a dome in order to save civilization Gimmick, a mysterious man who leads a secret organization called &8220;Black Widow&8221;, is planning to obstruct the implementation of the &8220;Megaro Earth Project&8221; In order to oppose Gimmicks organization, members of the counter terrorism group, led by the lady sniper &8220;EL&8221;, were formed Occasionally, EL helps the beautiful girl Parsley who was once attacked by the Black Widows Parsley tries to take advantage of EL after getting drunk at &8220;Club 1991&8221; Meanwhile, Natsuki is being sexually tortured for information by the Sniper Control Office

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